RICADO Gen 4 API JS Client

RICADO Gen 4 API JS Client



The Production Data Export Controller Class


new ProductionDataExportController()




jsonExport(dateBegin, dateEnd, queryParametersopt) → {Promise.<ProductionDataExportController.ProductionData>}

Retrieve Production Data [GET /packhouse/production-data-export]

Request a Production Data Export in the default JSON Format


  • dateBegin Date

    The Beginning Date of the Production Data Export

  • dateEnd Date

    The End Date of the Production Data Export

  • queryParameters ProductionDataExportController.JsonExportQueryParameters <optional>

    The Optional Query Parameters


  • Promise.<ProductionDataExportController.ProductionData>


Type Definitions


A DowntimeData Type


  • Object


  • siteId number

    ID of the Site where this Downtime Event occurred

  • siteName string

    Name of the Site where this Downtime Event occurred

  • packingLineId string

    ID of the Packing Line where this Downtime Event occurred

  • packingLineName string

    Name of the Packing Line where this Downtime Event occurred

  • shiftId string

    ID of the Shift associated with this Downtime Event

  • shiftType string

    Type of the Shift associated with this Downtime Event

  • isoWeek number

    ISO Week when this Downtime Event occurred

  • startTimestamp Date

    Timestamp when this Downtime Event Started

  • endTimestamp Date <nullable>

    Timestamp when this Downtime Event Ended

  • reasonCategory string <nullable>

    Reason Category for this Downtime Event

  • reasonTag string <nullable>

    Reason Tag for this Downtime Event

  • remedyAction string <nullable>

    An Optional Summary of the Action taken to Remedy this Downtime Event



A PackagingConsumptionData Type


  • Object


  • siteId number

    ID of the Site where this Packaging Consumption occurred

  • siteName string

    Name of the Site where this Packaging Consumption occurred

  • packingLineId string

    ID of the Packing Line where this Packaging Consumption occurred

  • packingLineName string

    Name of the Packing Line where this Packaging Consumption occurred

  • packrunId string

    ID of the Packrun associated with this Packaging Consumption

  • packrunName string

    Name of the Packrun associated with this Packaging Consumption

  • varietyId string

    ID of the Variety associated with this Packaging Consumption

  • varietyCode string

    Code of the Variety associated with this Packaging Consumption

  • isoWeek number

    ISO Week when this Packaging Consumption occurred

  • startTimestamp Date

    Timestamp when this Packaging Consumption Started

  • endTimestamp Date <nullable>

    Timestamp when this Packaging Consumption Ended

  • packType string

    Pack Type of the Packaging Consumed

  • quantity number

    Quantity of Packaging Consumed



A PackrunData Type


  • Object


  • siteId number

    ID of the Site where this Packrun occurred

  • siteName string

    Name of the Site where this Packrun occurred

  • packingLineId string

    ID of the Packing Line where this Packrun occurred

  • packingLineName string

    Name of the Packing Line where this Packrun occurred

  • isoWeek number

    ISO Week when this Packrun occurred

  • startTimestamp Date

    Timestamp when this Packrun was Started

  • finishTimestamp Date <nullable>

    Timestamp when this Packrun was Finished

  • packrunId string

    ID of the Packrun

  • packrunName string

    Name of the Packrun

  • varietyId string

    ID of the Variety associated with this Packrun

  • varietyCode string

    Code of the Variety associated with this Packrun

  • growingMethodId string

    ID of the Growing Method associated with this Packrun

  • growingMethodCode string

    Code of the Growing Method associated with this Packrun

  • growerCode string

    Grower Code of the Packrun

  • growerName string

    Grower Name of the Packrun

  • maturityArea string

    Maturity Area of the Packrun

  • allocatedBins number

    Number of Bins Allocated to this Packrun

  • totalBinsTipped number

    Number of Bins Tipped during this Packrun

  • totalNetWeightTipped number

    Total Net Fruit Weight Tipped during this Packrun

  • averageNetWeightPerBin number

    Average Net Fruit Weight per Bin for this Packrun

  • averageBinsTippedPerHour number

    Average Bins Tipped per Hour during this Packrun

  • averageBinsTippedPerHourExcludingDowntime number

    Average Bins Tipped per Hour excluding Downtime during this Packrun

  • averageTimePerTippedBin number

    Average Time Taken in Seconds to Tip a Bin during this Packrun

  • averageBinTipWeightThroughput number

    Average Throughput in Kilograms per Hour for the Bin Tip during this Packrun

  • softSortEventsPerBin number

    Number of Soft-Sort Events per Bin Tipped during this Packrun

  • totalSoftSortEventsCount number

    Total Number of Soft-Sort Events that occurred during this Packrun

  • averageSoftSortEventsDuration number

    Average Duration in Seconds of a Soft-Sort Event during this Packrun

  • totalSoftSortEventsDuration number

    Total Duration in Seconds of all Soft-Sort Events that occurred during this Packrun

  • softSortEventsAccurate boolean <nullable>

    Whether the Soft-Sort Events for this Packrun were Accurate according to the Line Manager

  • softSortEventsNotAccurateReason string <nullable>

    A Reason for why the Soft-Sort Events were not Accurate

  • class1Percentage number

    Class 1 Percentage for this Packrun

  • class2Percentage number

    Class 2 Percentage for this Packrun

  • class3Percentage number

    Class 3 Percentage for this Packrun

  • nssPercentage number

    Non-Standard Supply Percentage for this Packrun

  • undersizePercentage number

    Undersize Percentage for this Packrun

  • cdmPercentage number

    Culled / Low Dry Matter Percentage for this Packrun

  • wastePercentage number

    Waste Percentage for this Packrun

  • softSortPercentage number

    Soft-Sort Percentage for this Packrun

  • totalNonClass1Percentage number

    Total Non-Class 1 Percentage for this Packrun

  • class1Weight number

    Total Class 1 Weight in Kilograms for this Packrun

  • class2Weight number

    Total Class 2 Weight in Kilograms for this Packrun

  • class3Weight number

    Total Class 3 Weight in Kilograms for this Packrun

  • nssWeight number

    Total Non-Standard Supply Weight in Kilograms for this Packrun

  • undersizeWeight number

    Total Undersize Weight in Kilograms for this Packrun

  • cdmWeight number

    Total Culled / Low Dry Matter Weight in Kilograms for this Packrun

  • wasteWeight number

    Total Waste Weight in Kilograms for this Packrun

  • softSortWeight number

    Total Soft-Sort Weight in Kilograms for this Packrun

  • totalNonClass1Weight number

    Total Non-Class 1 Weight in Kilograms for this Packrun

  • totalClass1Trays number

    Total Class 1 Tray Equivalents Produced during this Packrun

  • totalClass2Trays number

    Total Class 2 Tray Equivalents Produced during this Packrun

  • totalClass1FruitCount number

    Total Number of Class 1 Fruit that were Packed during this Packrun

  • totalClass2FruitCount number

    Total Number of Class 2 Fruit that were Packed during this Packrun

  • averageClass1TrayWeight number

    Average Class 1 Tray Equivalent Weight in Kilograms for this Packrun

  • averageClass2TrayWeight number

    Average Class 2 Tray Equivalent Weight in Kilograms for this Packrun

  • class1TraysPerBin number

    Average Class 1 Trays Produced per Bin Tipped for this Packrun

  • averageFruitSize number

    Average Fruit Size for this Packrun

  • averageFruitWeight number

    Average Fruit Weight in Grams for this Packrun

  • totalRejectBinsCount number

    Total Number of Reject Bins Weighed during this Packrun

  • totalRejectBinsNetWeight number

    Total Net Fruit Weight in Kilograms captured in Reject Bins during this Packrun

  • qualityR600TotalFruitSampled number <nullable>

    Total Number of R600 Class 1 Fruit Sampled by Quality Control during this Packrun

  • qualityR600FruitSampledPercentage number <nullable>

    Percentage of R600 Class 1 Fruit Sampled by Quality Control during this Packrun

  • qualityR600AverageSampledFruitSize number <nullable>

    Average R600 Class 1 Fruit Size that was Sampled by Quality Control during this Packrun

  • qualityR600TotalSamplesCount number <nullable>

    Total Number of Class 1 R600 Samples Collected by Quality Control during this Packrun

  • qualityR600IdealSamplesTarget number <nullable>

    Target Percentage of R600 Samples that should be in the Ideal Range for this Packrun

  • qualityR600IdealSamplesActual number <nullable>

    Actual Percentage of R600 Samples that were in the Ideal Range during this Packrun

  • qualityR600MinorPackingDefects number <nullable>

    Percentage of Minor Packing Defects found in Class 1 R600 Samples during this Packrun

  • qualityR600MajorPackingDefects number <nullable>

    Percentage of Major Packing Defects found in Class 1 R600 Samples during this Packrun

  • qualityR600Softs number <nullable>

    Percentage of Soft Fruit found in Class 1 R600 Samples during this Packrun

  • qualityR600Cuts number <nullable>

    Percentage of Cut (Flesh Damaged) Fruit found in Class 1 R600 Samples during this Packrun

  • qualityR600Rots number <nullable>

    Percentage of Rotten Fruit found in Class 1 R600 Samples during this Packrun

  • qualityExportFruitInClass2 number <nullable>

    Percentage of Export Fruit found in Class 2 during this Packrun

  • qualityExportFruitInClass3 number <nullable>

    Percentage of Export Fruit found in Class 3 during this Packrun

  • qualityExportFruitInWaste number <nullable>

    Percentage of Export Fruit found in Waste during this Packrun

  • shiftIds Array.<string>

    An Array of Shift IDs this Packrun is associated with

  • shiftTypes Array.<string>

    An Array of Shift Types that were encountered during this Packrun

  • lineManagerNames Array.<string>

    An Array of Line Managers who were involved with this Packrun

  • qualityManagerNames Array.<string>

    An Array of Quality Managers who were involved with this Packrun

  • totalProductionTime number

    Total Shift Production Time in Seconds for this Packrun

  • totalScheduledBreakTime number

    Total Shift Scheduled Break Time in Seconds for this Packrun

  • totalDowntime number

    Total Shift Downtime in Seconds for this Packrun

  • downtimeEventsCount number

    Number of Downtime Events that occurred during this Packrun

  • downtimeEventsAverageDuration number

    Average Duration in Seconds of a Downtime Event during this Packrun

  • class1ManningTarget number <nullable>

    Target Number of People working on the Packing Line (excluding Class 2) during this Packrun

  • averageClass1Manning number <nullable>

    Average Number of People working on the Packing Line (excluding Class 2) during this Packrun

  • class1ManningPercentage number <nullable>

    Percentage of Target vs Actual Number of People working on the Packing Line (excluding Class 2) during this Packrun

  • class2ManningTarget number <nullable>

    Target Number of People working in the Class 2 area of the Packing Line during this Packrun

  • averageClass2Manning number <nullable>

    Average Number of People working in the Class 2 area of the Packing Line during this Packrun

  • class2ManningPercentage number <nullable>

    Percentage of Target vs Actual Number of People working in the Class 2 area of the Packing Line during this Packrun

  • totalManningTarget number <nullable>

    Target Number of People working on the Packing Line during this Packrun

  • averageTotalManning number <nullable>

    Average Number of People working on the Packing Line during this Packrun

  • totalManningPercentage number <nullable>

    Percentage of Target vs Actual Number of People working on the Packing Line during this Packrun

  • costPerManningUnitHour number <nullable>

    Average Cost ($) per Person per Hour working on the Packing Line for this Packrun

  • totalHoursWorked number

    Total Hours Worked during this Packrun. Directly relates to Production Time

  • totalHoursWorkedExcludingDowntime number

    Total Hours Worked excluding Downtime during this Packrun. Directly relates to Production Time less Downtime

  • totalHoursPaid number

    Total Hours Paid during this Packrun. Directly relates to Production Time and the Paid portion of Scheduled Break Time combined

  • class1TotalManningCost number <nullable>

    Total Cost ($) of Manning the Packing Line (excluding Class 2) during this Packrun

  • class2TotalManningCost number <nullable>

    Total Cost ($) of Manning the Class 2 area of the Packing Line during this Packrun

  • class1DowntimeManningCost number <nullable>

    Cost ($) of Manning the Packing Line (excluding Class 2) in all Downtime Events during this Packrun

  • class2DowntimeManningCost number <nullable>

    Total Cost ($) of Manning the Class 2 area of the Packing Line in all Downtime Events during this Packrun

  • class1CostPerTrayTarget number <nullable>

    Target Cost (cents) per Class 1 Tray Equivalent Produced during this Packrun

  • class1CostPerTrayActual number <nullable>

    Actual Cost (cents) per Class 1 Tray Equivalent Produced during this Packrun

  • class2CostPerTrayActual number <nullable>

    Actual Cost (cents) per Class 2 Tray Equivalent Produced during this Packrun

  • class1TraysPerHour number

    Average Class 1 Tray Equivalents Produced per Hour during this Packrun

  • class1TraysPerHourExcludingDowntime number

    Average Class 1 Tray Equivalents Produced per Hour excluding Downtime during this Packrun

  • class1TraysPerHourExcludingDowntimeTarget number

    Target Class 1 Tray Equivalents to Produce per Hour excluding Downtime during this Packrun

  • class1TraysPerManHour number <nullable>

    Average Class 1 Tray Equivalents Produced per Person per Hour during this Packrun

  • class1TraysPerManHourExcludingDowntime number <nullable>

    Average Class 1 Tray Equivalents Produced per Person per Hour excluding Downtime during this Packrun

  • class2TraysPerHour number

    Average Class 2 Tray Equivalents Produced per Hour during this Packrun

  • class2TraysPerHourExcludingDowntime number

    Average Class 2 Tray Equivalents Produced per Hour excluding Downtime during this Packrun

  • class2TraysPerManHour number <nullable>

    Average Class 2 Tray Equivalents Produced per Person per Hour during this Packrun

  • class2TraysPerManHourExcludingDowntime number <nullable>

    Average Class 2 Tray Equivalents Produced per Person per Hour excluding Downtime during this Packrun

  • class1LayeredPercentageTarget number <nullable>

    Target Percentage of Layered Trays that should be Produced for this Packrun

  • class1LayeredPercentage number <nullable>

    Actual Percentage of Layered Trays that were Produced during this Packrun

  • class1BulkPercentage number <nullable>

    Actual Percentage of Bulk Packs that were Produced during this Packrun



A ProductionData Type


  • Object


  • packruns Array.<ProductionDataExportController.PackrunData>

    An Array of Packrun Data

  • shifts Array.<ProductionDataExportController.ShiftData>

    An Array of Shift Data

  • shiftHourlyEntries Array.<ProductionDataExportController.ShiftHourlyData>

    An Array of Shift Hourly Entry Data

  • downtimeEvents Array.<ProductionDataExportController.DowntimeData>

    An Array of Downtime Event Data

  • packagingConsumption Array.<ProductionDataExportController.PackagingConsumptionData>

    An Array of Packaging Consumption Data



A ShiftData Type


  • Object


  • siteId number

    ID of the Site where this Shift took place

  • siteName string

    Name of the Site where this Shift took place

  • packingLineId string

    ID of the Packing Line where this Shift took place

  • packingLineName string

    Name of the Packing Line where this Shift took place

  • shiftId string

    ID of the Shift

  • shiftType string

    Type of the Shift

  • isoWeek number

    ISO Week when this Shift occurred

  • startTimestamp Date

    Timestamp when this Shift was Started

  • finishTimestamp Date <nullable>

    Timestamp when this Shift was Finished

  • lineManagerName string <nullable>

    Name of the Line Manager who ran this Shift

  • qualityManagerName string <nullable>

    Name of the Quality Manager who ran this Shift

  • varietyIds Array.<string>

    An Array of Variety IDs that were Packed during this Shift

  • varietyCodes Array.<string>

    An Array of Variety Codes that were Packed during this Shift

  • growingMethodIds Array.<string>

    An Array of Growing Method IDs that were Packed during this Shift

  • growingMethodCodes Array.<string>

    An Array of Growing Method Codes that were Packed during this Shift

  • binsTippedTarget number

    Target Number of Bins to Tip during this Shift

  • totalBinsTipped number

    Total Number of Bins Tipped during this Shift

  • binsTippedPerHour number

    Number of Bins Tipped per Hour during this Shift

  • binsTippedPerHourExcludingDowntime number

    Number of Bins Tipped per Hour excluding Downtime during this Shift

  • totalProductionTime number

    Total Production Time in Seconds for this Shift

  • totalScheduledBreakTime number

    Total Scheduled Break Time in Seconds for this Shift

  • totalDowntime number

    Total Downtime in Seconds for this Shift

  • downtimeEventsCount number

    Number of Downtime Events that occurred during this Shift

  • downtimeEventsAverageDuration number

    Average Duration in Seconds of a Downtime Event during this Shift

  • class1ManningTarget number <nullable>

    Target Number of People working on the Packing Line (excluding Class 2) during this Shift

  • averageClass1Manning number <nullable>

    Average Number of People working on the Packing Line (excluding Class 2) during this Shift

  • class1ManningPercentage number <nullable>

    Percentage of Target vs Actual Number of People working on the Packing Line (excluding Class 2) during this Shift

  • class2ManningTarget number <nullable>

    Target Number of People working in the Class 2 area of the Packing Line during this Shift

  • averageClass2Manning number <nullable>

    Average Number of People working in the Class 2 area of the Packing Line during this Shift

  • class2ManningPercentage number <nullable>

    Percentage of Target vs Actual Number of People working in the Class 2 area of the Packing Line during this Shift

  • totalManningTarget number <nullable>

    Target Number of People working on the Packing Line during this Shift

  • averageTotalManning number <nullable>

    Average Number of People working on the Packing Line during this Shift

  • totalManningPercentage number <nullable>

    Percentage of Target vs Actual Number of People working on the Packing Line during this Shift

  • costPerManningUnitHour number <nullable>

    Average Cost ($) per Person per Hour working on the Packing Line for this Shift

  • totalHoursWorked number

    Total Hours Worked during this Shift. Directly relates to Production Time

  • totalHoursWorkedExcludingDowntime number

    Total Hours Worked excluding Downtime during this Shift. Directly relates to Production Time less Downtime

  • totalHoursPaid number

    Total Hours Paid during this Shift. Directly relates to Production Time and the Paid portion of Scheduled Break Time combined

  • class1TotalManningCost number <nullable>

    Total Cost ($) of Manning the Packing Line (excluding Class 2) during this Shift

  • class2TotalManningCost number <nullable>

    Total Cost ($) of Manning the Class 2 area of the Packing Line during this Shift

  • class1DowntimeManningCost number <nullable>

    Cost ($) of Manning the Packing Line (excluding Class 2) in all Downtime Events during this Shift

  • class2DowntimeManningCost number <nullable>

    Total Cost ($) of Manning the Class 2 area of the Packing Line in all Downtime Events during this Shift

  • class1CostPerTrayTarget number <nullable>

    Target Cost (cents) per Class 1 Tray Equivalent Produced during this Shift

  • class1CostPerTrayActual number <nullable>

    Actual Cost (cents) per Class 1 Tray Equivalent Produced during this Shift

  • class2CostPerTrayActual number <nullable>

    Actual Cost (cents) per Class 2 Tray Equivalent Produced during this Shift

  • totalClass1Trays number

    Total Class 1 Tray Equivalents Produced during this Shift

  • totalClass2Trays number

    Total Class 2 Tray Equivalents Produced during this Shift

  • class1TraysPerHour number

    Average Class 1 Tray Equivalents Produced per Hour during this Shift

  • class1TraysPerHourExcludingDowntime number

    Average Class 1 Tray Equivalents Produced per Hour excluding Downtime during this Shift

  • class1TraysPerHourExcludingDowntimeTarget number

    Target Class 1 Tray Equivalents to Produce per Hour excluding Downtime during this Shift

  • class1TraysPerManHour number <nullable>

    Average Class 1 Tray Equivalents Produced per Person per Hour during this Shift

  • class1TraysPerManHourExcludingDowntime number <nullable>

    Average Class 1 Tray Equivalents Produced per Person per Hour excluding Downtime during this Shift

  • class2TraysPerHour number

    Average Class 2 Tray Equivalents Produced per Hour during this Shift

  • class2TraysPerHourExcludingDowntime number

    Average Class 2 Tray Equivalents Produced per Hour excluding Downtime during this Shift

  • class2TraysPerManHour number <nullable>

    Average Class 2 Tray Equivalents Produced per Person per Hour during this Shift

  • class2TraysPerManHourExcludingDowntime number <nullable>

    Average Class 2 Tray Equivalents Produced per Person per Hour excluding Downtime during this Shift

  • class1LayeredPercentageTarget number <nullable>

    Target Percentage of Layered Trays that should be Produced for this Shift

  • class1LayeredPercentage number <nullable>

    Actual Percentage of Layered Trays that were Produced during this Shift

  • class1BulkPercentage number <nullable>

    Actual Percentage of Bulk Packs that were Produced during this Shift

  • averageClass1Percentage number <nullable>

    Average Class 1 Packout Percentage during this Shift

  • qualityR600IdealSamplesTarget number <nullable>

    Target Percentage of R600 Samples that should be in the Ideal Range for this Shift

  • qualityR600IdealSamplesActual number <nullable>

    Actual Percentage of R600 Samples that were in the Ideal Range during this Shift

  • satisfactionRating number <nullable>

    An Optional Satisfaction Rating between 1 and 10 from the Line Manager of this Shift

  • keyCelebration string <nullable>

    An Optional Key Celebration the Line Manager observed during this Shift

  • keyChallenge string <nullable>

    An Optional Key Challenge the Line Manager observed during this Shift

  • focusMeetingsHeld number

    Number of Focus Meetings Held during this Shift

  • focusMeetingsExpected number

    Number of Expected Focus Meetings during this Shift

  • focusMeetingsScore number

    Score Percentage of the Focus Meetings KPI

  • growerChangeMeetingsHeld number

    Number of Grower Change Meetings Held during this Shift

  • growerChangeMeetingsExpected number

    Number of Expected Grower Change Meetings during this Shift

  • growerChangeMeetingsScore number

    Score Percentage of the Grower Change Meetings KPI



A ShiftHourlyData Type


  • Object


  • siteId number

    ID of the Site where this Hour took place

  • siteName string

    Name of the Site where this Hour took place

  • packingLineId string

    ID of the Packing Line where this Hour took place

  • packingLineName string

    Name of the Packing Line where this Hour took place

  • shiftId string

    ID of the Shift associated with this Hourly Entry

  • shiftType string

    Type of the Shift associated with this Hourly Entry

  • isoWeek number

    ISO Week when this Hour Started

  • startTimestamp Date

    Timestamp when this Hour Started

  • endTimestamp Date <nullable>

    Timestamp when this Hour Ended

  • lineManagerName string <nullable>

    Name of the Line Manager who ran this Hour

  • qualityManagerName string <nullable>

    Name of the Quality Manager who ran this Hour

  • varietyIds Array.<string>

    An Array of Variety IDs that were Packed during this Hour

  • varietyCodes Array.<string>

    An Array of Variety Codes that were Packed during this Hour

  • growingMethodIds Array.<string>

    An Array of Growing Method IDs that were Packed during this Hour

  • growingMethodCodes Array.<string>

    An Array of Growing Method Codes that were Packed during this Hour

  • totalBinsTipped number

    Total Number of Bins Tipped during this Hour

  • totalProductionTime number

    Total Production Time in Seconds for this Hour

  • totalScheduledBreakTime number

    Total Scheduled Break Time in Seconds for this Hour

  • totalDowntime number

    Total Downtime in Seconds for this Hour

  • downtimeEventsCount number

    Number of Downtime Events that occurred during this Hour

  • downtimeEventsAverageDuration number

    Average Duration in Seconds of a Downtime Event during this Hour

  • class1ManningTarget number <nullable>

    Target Number of People working on the Packing Line (excluding Class 2) during this Hour

  • class1Manning number <nullable>

    Actual Number of People working on the Packing Line (excluding Class 2) during this Hour

  • class1ManningPercentage number <nullable>

    Percentage of Target vs Actual Number of People working on the Packing Line (excluding Class 2) during this Hour

  • class2ManningTarget number <nullable>

    Target Number of People working in the Class 2 area of the Packing Line during this Hour

  • class2Manning number <nullable>

    Actual Number of People working in the Class 2 area of the Packing Line during this Hour

  • class2ManningPercentage number <nullable>

    Percentage of Target vs Actual Number of People working in the Class 2 area of the Packing Line during this Hour

  • totalManningTarget number <nullable>

    Target Number of People working on the Packing Line during this Hour

  • totalManning number <nullable>

    Actual Number of People working on the Packing Line during this Hour

  • totalManningPercentage number <nullable>

    Percentage of Target vs Actual Number of People working on the Packing Line during this Hour

  • costPerManningUnitHour number <nullable>

    Average Cost ($) per Person per Hour working on the Packing Line for this Hour

  • totalMinutesWorked number

    Total Hours Worked during this Hour. Directly relates to Production Time

  • totalMinutesWorkedExcludingDowntime number

    Total Hours Worked excluding Downtime during this Hour. Directly relates to Production Time less Downtime

  • totalMinutesPaid number

    Total Hours Paid during this Hour. Directly relates to Production Time and the Paid portion of Scheduled Break Time combined

  • class1TotalManningCost number <nullable>

    Total Cost ($) of Manning the Packing Line (excluding Class 2) during this Hour

  • class2TotalManningCost number <nullable>

    Total Cost ($) of Manning the Class 2 area of the Packing Line during this Hour

  • class1DowntimeManningCost number <nullable>

    Cost ($) of Manning the Packing Line (excluding Class 2) in all Downtime Events during this Hour

  • class2DowntimeManningCost number <nullable>

    Total Cost ($) of Manning the Class 2 area of the Packing Line in all Downtime Events during this Hour

  • class1CostPerTrayTarget number <nullable>

    Target Cost (cents) per Class 1 Tray Equivalent Produced during this Hour

  • class1CostPerTrayActual number <nullable>

    Actual Cost (cents) per Class 1 Tray Equivalent Produced during this Hour

  • class2CostPerTrayActual number <nullable>

    Actual Cost (cents) per Class 2 Tray Equivalent Produced during this Hour

  • totalClass1Trays number

    Total Class 1 Tray Equivalents Produced during this Hour

  • totalClass2Trays number

    Total Class 2 Tray Equivalents Produced during this Hour

  • class1TraysPerHourExcludingDowntime number

    Average Class 1 Tray Equivalents Produced per Hour excluding Downtime during this Hour

  • class1TraysPerHourExcludingDowntimeTarget number

    Target Class 1 Tray Equivalents to Produce per Hour excluding Downtime during this Hour

  • class1TraysPerManHourExcludingDowntime number <nullable>

    Average Class 1 Tray Equivalents Produced per Person per Hour excluding Downtime during this Hour

  • class2TraysPerHourExcludingDowntime number

    Average Class 2 Tray Equivalents Produced per Hour excluding Downtime during this Hour

  • class2TraysPerManHourExcludingDowntime number <nullable>

    Average Class 2 Tray Equivalents Produced per Person per Hour excluding Downtime during this Hour

  • class1LayeredPercentageTarget number <nullable>

    Target Percentage of Layered Trays that should be Produced for this Hour

  • class1LayeredPercentage number <nullable>

    Actual Percentage of Layered Trays that were Produced during this Hour

  • class1BulkPercentage number <nullable>

    Actual Percentage of Bulk Packs that were Produced during this Hour

  • averageClass1Percentage number <nullable>

    Average Class 1 Packout Percentage during this Hour

  • qualityR600IdealSamplesTarget number <nullable>

    Target Percentage of R600 Samples that should be in the Ideal Range for this Hour

  • qualityR600IdealSamplesActual number <nullable>

    Actual Percentage of R600 Samples that were in the Ideal Range during this Hour

  • primaryIssueCategory string <nullable>

    Category of the Primary Issue that constrained throughput during this Hour

  • primaryIssueTag string <nullable>

    Tag of the Primary Issue that constrained throughput during this Hour

  • primaryIssuePercentage number <nullable>

    Percentage representing how much the Primary Issue constrained throughput during this Hour

  • secondaryIssueCategory string <nullable>

    Category of the Secondary Issue that constrained throughput during this Hour

  • secondaryIssueTag string <nullable>

    Tag of the Secondary Issue that constrained throughput during this Hour

  • secondaryIssuePercentage number <nullable>

    Percentage representing how much the Secondary Issue constrained throughput during this Hour

  • nextHourFocus string <nullable>

    An Optional Focus for the Next Hour based on experiences and review during this Hour
