RICADO Gen 4 API JS Client

RICADO Gen 4 API JS Client



Controller Class for Reject Bin Scales


new RejectBinScaleController()




create(siteId, createData) → {Promise.<RejectBinScaleModel>}

Create a Reject Bin Scale [POST /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/reject-bin-scales]


  • siteId number

    The Site ID

  • createData RejectBinScaleController.CreateData

    The Reject Bin Scale Create Data


  • Promise.<RejectBinScaleModel>



getAll(siteId, queryParametersopt) → {Promise.<Array.<RejectBinScaleModel>>}

List all Reject Bin Scales [GET /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/reject-bin-scales]


  • siteId number

    The Site ID

  • queryParameters RejectBinScaleController.GetAllQueryParameters <optional>

    The Optional Query Parameters


  • Promise.<Array.<RejectBinScaleModel>>



getOne(siteId, id) → {Promise.<RejectBinScaleModel>}

Retrieve a Reject Bin Scale [GET /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/reject-bin-scales/{id}]


  • siteId number

    The Site ID

  • id string

    The Reject Bin Scale ID


  • Promise.<RejectBinScaleModel>



update(siteId, id, updateData) → {Promise.<RejectBinScaleModel>}

Update a Reject Bin Scale [PATCH /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/reject-bin-scales/{id}]


  • siteId number

    The Site ID

  • id string

    The Reject Bin Scale ID

  • updateData RejectBinScaleController.UpdateData

    The Reject Bin Scale Update Data


  • Promise.<RejectBinScaleModel>


Type Definitions


A BeltSource Type


  • Object


  • type string

    Type of this Reject Bin Scale Source

  • beltName string <nullable>

    Name of the Belt

  • classType string

    The Default Class Type of this Reject Bin Scale Source

  • varietyClassTypes Array.<{varietyId: string, classType: string}>

    An Array of Varieties and Class Types to override the Default Class Type



The Create Data for a Reject Bin Scale


  • Object


  • rtuId number <optional>

    The RTU this Reject Bin Scale belongs to

  • name string

    The Name of this Reject Bin Scale

  • points Object

    The Points used by this Reject Bin Scale

  • packingLineId string

    The Packing Line that owns this Reject Bin Scale

  • packrunSourceId string <optional>

    The Permanent Object that provides the Next Packrun for this Reject Bin Scale

  • packrunGroup number <optional>

    The Packrun Group this Reject Bin Scale is a part of

  • sources Array.<(RejectBinScaleController.SortingTableSource|RejectBinScaleController.BeltSource|RejectBinScaleController.SizerOutletSource)> <optional>

    An Array of Sources that deliver Fruit to this Reject Bin Scale

  • autoPackrunChange Object <optional>

    The Auto Packrun Change Configuration for this Reject Bin Scale

  • supportsLiveWeighing boolean <optional>

    Whether this Reject Bin Scale supports Live Weighing

  • autoWeighingStartThreshold number <optional>

    The Minimum Weight Change Required to Automatically Start Live Weighing

  • autoWeighingStartDelay number <optional>

    The Delay in Milliseconds before Auto Live Weighing would Start

  • autoWeighingFinishThreshold number <optional>

    The Minimum Weight Change Required to Automatically Finish Live Weighing

  • autoWeighingFinishDelay number <optional>

    The Delay in Milliseconds before Auto Live Weighing would Finish

  • autoWeighingFinishAtGrossTarget boolean <optional>

    Whether Live Weighing should be Automatically Finished when the Target Gross Weight is Met

  • manualInterventionMaximumDuration number <optional>

    The Maximum Duration in Milliseconds before a Manual Intervention would end

  • liveWeighingIncreaseTolerance number <optional>

    The Maximum Weight Increase allowed within a single Live Weighing Update Interval

  • liveWeighingDecreaseTolerance number <optional>

    The Maximum Weight Decrease allowed within a single Live Weighing Update Interval

  • liveWeighingUpdateInterval number <optional>

    The Interval in Milliseconds between Live Weighing Updates

  • liveWeighingUsesStableStatus boolean <optional>

    Whether the Loadcell Stable Status is used to ignore Changes during Live Weighing

  • incorrectOperationTolerance number <optional>

    The Maximum Weight Change allowed while Live Weighing before an Incorrect Operation is Logged

  • freshPackIntegration RejectBinScaleController.FreshPackBinScaleIntegration <optional>

    The FreshPack Integration Configuration for this Reject Bin Scale



A FreshPackBinScaleIntegration Type


  • Object


  • points Object

    The Points used by this FreshPack Bin Scale Integration

  • enabled boolean

    Whether this FreshPack Bin Scale Integration is Enabled

  • materialGroupId number <nullable>

    The FreshPack Material Group ID to be used for Multi-Grower Bins from this Reject Bin Scale

  • binTypeId number

    The FreshPack Bin Type ID to be used for Multi-Grower Bins from this Reject Bin Scale

  • printerGroupId number <nullable>

    The FreshPack Printer Group ID to be used when Printing Multi-Grower Bin Cards for this Reject Bin Scale

  • binCardPrintingEnabled boolean

    Whether Bin Card Printing is Enabled

  • useWindowsDriverApi boolean <optional>

    Whether Bin Card Printing should use the Specialized FreshPack Windows Driver API



The Optional Query Parameters for the getAll Function


  • Object


  • rtuId number <optional>

    The RTU this Reject Bin Scale belongs to

  • name string <optional>

    The Name of this Reject Bin Scale

  • packingLineId string <optional>

    The Packing Line that owns this Reject Bin Scale

  • packrunSourceId string <optional>

    The Permanent Object that provides the Next Packrun for this Reject Bin Scale

  • packrunGroup number <optional>

    The Packrun Group this Reject Bin Scale is a part of



A SortingTableSource Type


  • Object


  • type string

    Type of this Reject Bin Scale Source

  • sortingTableId string

    ID of the Sorting Table Object

  • classType string

    The Default Class Type of this Reject Bin Scale Source

  • varietyClassTypes Array.<{varietyId: string, classType: string}>

    An Array of Varieties and Class Types to override the Default Class Type



The Update Data for a Reject Bin Scale


  • Object


  • name string <optional>

    The Name of this Reject Bin Scale

  • points Object <optional>

    The Points used by this Reject Bin Scale

  • packingLineId string <optional>

    The Packing Line that owns this Reject Bin Scale

  • packrunSourceId string <optional>

    The Permanent Object that provides the Next Packrun for this Reject Bin Scale

  • packrunGroup number <optional>

    The Packrun Group this Reject Bin Scale is a part of

  • sources Array.<(RejectBinScaleController.SortingTableSource|RejectBinScaleController.BeltSource|RejectBinScaleController.SizerOutletSource)> <optional>

    An Array of Sources that deliver Fruit to this Reject Bin Scale

  • autoPackrunChange Object <optional>

    The Auto Packrun Change Configuration for this Reject Bin Scale

  • supportsLiveWeighing boolean <optional>

    Whether this Reject Bin Scale supports Live Weighing

  • autoWeighingStartThreshold number <optional>

    The Minimum Weight Change Required to Automatically Start Live Weighing

  • autoWeighingStartDelay number <optional>

    The Delay in Milliseconds before Auto Live Weighing would Start

  • autoWeighingFinishThreshold number <optional>

    The Minimum Weight Change Required to Automatically Finish Live Weighing

  • autoWeighingFinishDelay number <optional>

    The Delay in Milliseconds before Auto Live Weighing would Finish

  • autoWeighingFinishAtGrossTarget boolean <optional>

    Whether Live Weighing should be Automatically Finished when the Target Gross Weight is Met

  • manualInterventionMaximumDuration number <optional>

    The Maximum Duration in Milliseconds before a Manual Intervention would end

  • liveWeighingIncreaseTolerance number <optional>

    The Maximum Weight Increase allowed within a single Live Weighing Update Interval

  • liveWeighingDecreaseTolerance number <optional>

    The Maximum Weight Decrease allowed within a single Live Weighing Update Interval

  • liveWeighingUpdateInterval number <optional>

    The Interval in Milliseconds between Live Weighing Updates

  • liveWeighingUsesStableStatus boolean <optional>

    Whether the Loadcell Stable Status is used to ignore Changes during Live Weighing

  • incorrectOperationTolerance number <optional>

    The Maximum Weight Change allowed while Live Weighing before an Incorrect Operation is Logged

  • freshPackIntegration RejectBinScaleController.FreshPackBinScaleIntegration <optional>

    The FreshPack Integration Configuration for this Reject Bin Scale
