RICADO Gen 4 API JS Client

RICADO Gen 4 API JS Client



 * File Auto-Generated by the RICADO Gen 4 PHP API Project
 * Do Not Edit this File Manually!

import RequestHelper from '../../../RequestHelper';
import RejectBinScaleModel from '../../../Models/Packhouse/Site/RejectBinScaleModel';

 * Controller Class for Reject Bin Scales
 * @class
class RejectBinScaleController
     * Retrieve a Reject Bin Scale [GET /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/reject-bin-scales/{id}]
     * @static
     * @public
     * @param {number} siteId The Site ID
     * @param {string} id The Reject Bin Scale ID
     * @return {Promise<RejectBinScaleModel>}
    static getOne(siteId, id)
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            .then((result) => {
                let resolveValue = (function(){
                    return RejectBinScaleModel.fromJSON(result, siteId);
            .catch(error => reject(error));

     * Update a Reject Bin Scale [PATCH /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/reject-bin-scales/{id}]
     * @static
     * @public
     * @param {number} siteId The Site ID
     * @param {string} id The Reject Bin Scale ID
     * @param {RejectBinScaleController.UpdateData} updateData The Reject Bin Scale Update Data
     * @return {Promise<RejectBinScaleModel>}
    static update(siteId, id, updateData)
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            RequestHelper.patchRequest(`/packhouse/sites/${siteId}/reject-bin-scales/${id}`, updateData)
            .then((result) => {
                let resolveValue = (function(){
                    return RejectBinScaleModel.fromJSON(result, siteId);
            .catch(error => reject(error));

     * Delete a Reject Bin Scale [DELETE /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/reject-bin-scales/{id}]
     * @static
     * @public
     * @param {number} siteId The Site ID
     * @param {string} id The Reject Bin Scale ID
     * @return {Promise<boolean>}
    static delete(siteId, id)
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            .then((result) => {
                resolve(result ?? true);
            .catch(error => reject(error));

     * List all Reject Bin Scales [GET /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/reject-bin-scales]
     * @static
     * @public
     * @param {number} siteId The Site ID
     * @param {RejectBinScaleController.GetAllQueryParameters} [queryParameters] The Optional Query Parameters
     * @return {Promise<RejectBinScaleModel[]>}
    static getAll(siteId, queryParameters = {})
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            RequestHelper.getRequest(`/packhouse/sites/${siteId}/reject-bin-scales`, queryParameters)
            .then((result) => {
                let resolveValue = (function(){
                    if(Array.isArray(result) !== true)
                        return [];
                    return result.map((resultItem) => {
                        return (function(){
                            return RejectBinScaleModel.fromJSON(resultItem, siteId);
            .catch(error => reject(error));

     * Create a Reject Bin Scale [POST /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/reject-bin-scales]
     * @static
     * @public
     * @param {number} siteId The Site ID
     * @param {RejectBinScaleController.CreateData} createData The Reject Bin Scale Create Data
     * @return {Promise<RejectBinScaleModel>}
    static create(siteId, createData)
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            RequestHelper.postRequest(`/packhouse/sites/${siteId}/reject-bin-scales`, createData)
            .then((result) => {
                let resolveValue = (function(){
                    return RejectBinScaleModel.fromJSON(result, siteId);
            .catch(error => reject(error));

export default RejectBinScaleController;

 * The Optional Query Parameters for the getAll Function
 * @typedef {Object} RejectBinScaleController.GetAllQueryParameters
 * @property {?number} [rtuId] The RTU this Reject Bin Scale belongs to
 * @property {string} [name] The Name of this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {string} [packingLineId] The Packing Line that owns this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {?string} [packrunSourceId] The Permanent Object that provides the Next Packrun for this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {?number} [packrunGroup] The Packrun Group this Reject Bin Scale is a part of
 * @memberof Controllers.Packhouse.Site

 * The Create Data for a Reject Bin Scale
 * @typedef {Object} RejectBinScaleController.CreateData
 * @property {?number} [rtuId] The RTU this Reject Bin Scale belongs to
 * @property {string} name The Name of this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {{weighButton: ?number, packrunButton: ?number, manualInterventionButton: ?number, clearIndicator: ?number, busyIndicator: ?number, packrunIndicator: ?number, manualInterventionIndicator: ?number, sirenControl: ?number, scaleTareRequest: ?number, scaleClearTareRequest: ?number, scaleZeroRequest: ?number, scaleStableStatus: number, scaleWeight: ?number, scaleNetWeight: ?number, scaleGrossWeight: ?number, scaleTareWeight: ?number, targetGrossWeight: ?number, currentLiveWeight: ?number, startLiveWeighingRequest: ?number, finishLiveWeighingRequest: ?number, fruitDeliveryActive: ?number, status: number, currentPackrunId: number, nextPackrunId: number, currentPackrunName: number, nextPackrunName: number, incorrectOperationStatus: ?number, currentPackrunIncorrectOperationsCount: ?number, totalIncorrectOperationsCount: ?number, manualInterventionStatus: ?number, currentPackrunManualInterventionsCount: ?number, totalManualInterventionsCount: ?number, currentPackrunBinsWeighedCount: number, totalBinsWeighedCount: number}} points The Points used by this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {string} packingLineId The Packing Line that owns this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {?string} [packrunSourceId] The Permanent Object that provides the Next Packrun for this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {?number} [packrunGroup] The Packrun Group this Reject Bin Scale is a part of
 * @property {Array<RejectBinScaleController.SortingTableSource|RejectBinScaleController.BeltSource|RejectBinScaleController.SizerOutletSource>} [sources] An Array of Sources that deliver Fruit to this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {?{delay: ?number}} [autoPackrunChange] The Auto Packrun Change Configuration for this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {?boolean} [supportsLiveWeighing] Whether this Reject Bin Scale supports Live Weighing
 * @property {?number} [autoWeighingStartThreshold] The Minimum Weight Change Required to Automatically Start Live Weighing
 * @property {?number} [autoWeighingStartDelay] The Delay in Milliseconds before Auto Live Weighing would Start
 * @property {?number} [autoWeighingFinishThreshold] The Minimum Weight Change Required to Automatically Finish Live Weighing
 * @property {?number} [autoWeighingFinishDelay] The Delay in Milliseconds before Auto Live Weighing would Finish
 * @property {?boolean} [autoWeighingFinishAtGrossTarget] Whether Live Weighing should be Automatically Finished when the Target Gross Weight is Met
 * @property {?number} [manualInterventionMaximumDuration] The Maximum Duration in Milliseconds before a Manual Intervention would end
 * @property {?number} [liveWeighingIncreaseTolerance] The Maximum Weight Increase allowed within a single Live Weighing Update Interval
 * @property {?number} [liveWeighingDecreaseTolerance] The Maximum Weight Decrease allowed within a single Live Weighing Update Interval
 * @property {?number} [liveWeighingUpdateInterval] The Interval in Milliseconds between Live Weighing Updates
 * @property {?boolean} [liveWeighingUsesStableStatus] Whether the Loadcell Stable Status is used to ignore Changes during Live Weighing
 * @property {?number} [incorrectOperationTolerance] The Maximum Weight Change allowed while Live Weighing before an Incorrect Operation is Logged
 * @property {?RejectBinScaleController.FreshPackBinScaleIntegration} [freshPackIntegration] The FreshPack Integration Configuration for this Reject Bin Scale
 * @memberof Controllers.Packhouse.Site

 * The Update Data for a Reject Bin Scale
 * @typedef {Object} RejectBinScaleController.UpdateData
 * @property {string} [name] The Name of this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {{weighButton: ?number, packrunButton: ?number, manualInterventionButton: ?number, clearIndicator: ?number, busyIndicator: ?number, packrunIndicator: ?number, manualInterventionIndicator: ?number, sirenControl: ?number, scaleTareRequest: ?number, scaleClearTareRequest: ?number, scaleZeroRequest: ?number, scaleStableStatus: number, scaleWeight: ?number, scaleNetWeight: ?number, scaleGrossWeight: ?number, scaleTareWeight: ?number, targetGrossWeight: ?number, currentLiveWeight: ?number, startLiveWeighingRequest: ?number, finishLiveWeighingRequest: ?number, fruitDeliveryActive: ?number, status: number, currentPackrunId: number, nextPackrunId: number, currentPackrunName: number, nextPackrunName: number, incorrectOperationStatus: ?number, currentPackrunIncorrectOperationsCount: ?number, totalIncorrectOperationsCount: ?number, manualInterventionStatus: ?number, currentPackrunManualInterventionsCount: ?number, totalManualInterventionsCount: ?number, currentPackrunBinsWeighedCount: number, totalBinsWeighedCount: number}} [points] The Points used by this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {string} [packingLineId] The Packing Line that owns this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {?string} [packrunSourceId] The Permanent Object that provides the Next Packrun for this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {?number} [packrunGroup] The Packrun Group this Reject Bin Scale is a part of
 * @property {Array<RejectBinScaleController.SortingTableSource|RejectBinScaleController.BeltSource|RejectBinScaleController.SizerOutletSource>} [sources] An Array of Sources that deliver Fruit to this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {?{delay: ?number}} [autoPackrunChange] The Auto Packrun Change Configuration for this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {?boolean} [supportsLiveWeighing] Whether this Reject Bin Scale supports Live Weighing
 * @property {?number} [autoWeighingStartThreshold] The Minimum Weight Change Required to Automatically Start Live Weighing
 * @property {?number} [autoWeighingStartDelay] The Delay in Milliseconds before Auto Live Weighing would Start
 * @property {?number} [autoWeighingFinishThreshold] The Minimum Weight Change Required to Automatically Finish Live Weighing
 * @property {?number} [autoWeighingFinishDelay] The Delay in Milliseconds before Auto Live Weighing would Finish
 * @property {?boolean} [autoWeighingFinishAtGrossTarget] Whether Live Weighing should be Automatically Finished when the Target Gross Weight is Met
 * @property {?number} [manualInterventionMaximumDuration] The Maximum Duration in Milliseconds before a Manual Intervention would end
 * @property {?number} [liveWeighingIncreaseTolerance] The Maximum Weight Increase allowed within a single Live Weighing Update Interval
 * @property {?number} [liveWeighingDecreaseTolerance] The Maximum Weight Decrease allowed within a single Live Weighing Update Interval
 * @property {?number} [liveWeighingUpdateInterval] The Interval in Milliseconds between Live Weighing Updates
 * @property {?boolean} [liveWeighingUsesStableStatus] Whether the Loadcell Stable Status is used to ignore Changes during Live Weighing
 * @property {?number} [incorrectOperationTolerance] The Maximum Weight Change allowed while Live Weighing before an Incorrect Operation is Logged
 * @property {?RejectBinScaleController.FreshPackBinScaleIntegration} [freshPackIntegration] The FreshPack Integration Configuration for this Reject Bin Scale
 * @memberof Controllers.Packhouse.Site

 * A **SortingTableSource** Type
 * @typedef {Object} RejectBinScaleController.SortingTableSource
 * @property {string} type Type of this Reject Bin Scale Source
 * @property {string} sortingTableId ID of the Sorting Table Object
 * @property {string} classType The Default Class Type of this Reject Bin Scale Source
 * @property {Array<{varietyId: string, classType: string}>} varietyClassTypes An Array of Varieties and Class Types to override the Default Class Type
 * @memberof Controllers.Packhouse.Site

 * A **BeltSource** Type
 * @typedef {Object} RejectBinScaleController.BeltSource
 * @property {string} type Type of this Reject Bin Scale Source
 * @property {?string} beltName Name of the Belt
 * @property {string} classType The Default Class Type of this Reject Bin Scale Source
 * @property {Array<{varietyId: string, classType: string}>} varietyClassTypes An Array of Varieties and Class Types to override the Default Class Type
 * @memberof Controllers.Packhouse.Site

 * A **SizerOutletSource** Type
 * @typedef {Object} RejectBinScaleController.SizerOutletSource
 * @property {string} type Type of this Reject Bin Scale Source
 * @property {string} sizerId ID of the Sizer Object
 * @property {number} outletNumber Outlet Number of the Sizer Outlet
 * @memberof Controllers.Packhouse.Site

 * A **FreshPackBinScaleIntegration** Type
 * @typedef {Object} RejectBinScaleController.FreshPackBinScaleIntegration
 * @property {Object} points The Points used by this FreshPack Bin Scale Integration
 * @property {boolean} enabled Whether this FreshPack Bin Scale Integration is Enabled
 * @property {?number} materialGroupId The FreshPack Material Group ID to be used for Multi-Grower Bins from this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {number} binTypeId The FreshPack Bin Type ID to be used for Multi-Grower Bins from this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {?number} printerGroupId The FreshPack Printer Group ID to be used when Printing Multi-Grower Bin Cards for this Reject Bin Scale
 * @property {boolean} binCardPrintingEnabled Whether Bin Card Printing is Enabled
 * @property {boolean} [useWindowsDriverApi] Whether Bin Card Printing should use the Specialized FreshPack Windows Driver API
 * @memberof Controllers.Packhouse.Site