RICADO Gen 4 API JS Client

RICADO Gen 4 API JS Client



 * File Auto-Generated by the RICADO Gen 4 PHP API Project
 * Do Not Edit this File Manually!

import RequestHelper from '../../../RequestHelper';
import FreshPackPackrunSummaryModel from '../../../Models/Packhouse/Site/FreshPackPackrunSummaryModel';

 * Controller Class for FreshPack Packrun Summaries
 * @class
class FreshPackPackrunSummaryController
     * Retrieve a FreshPack Packrun Summary [GET /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/freshpack-packrun-summaries/{id}]
     * @static
     * @public
     * @param {number} siteId The Site ID
     * @param {string} id The FreshPack Packrun Summary ID
     * @return {Promise<FreshPackPackrunSummaryModel>}
    static getOne(siteId, id)
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            .then((result) => {
                let resolveValue = (function(){
                    return FreshPackPackrunSummaryModel.fromJSON(result, siteId);
            .catch(error => reject(error));

     * Update a FreshPack Packrun Summary [PATCH /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/freshpack-packrun-summaries/{id}]
     * @static
     * @public
     * @param {number} siteId The Site ID
     * @param {string} id The FreshPack Packrun Summary ID
     * @param {FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.UpdateData} updateData The FreshPack Packrun Summary Update Data
     * @return {Promise<FreshPackPackrunSummaryModel>}
    static update(siteId, id, updateData)
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            RequestHelper.patchRequest(`/packhouse/sites/${siteId}/freshpack-packrun-summaries/${id}`, updateData)
            .then((result) => {
                let resolveValue = (function(){
                    return FreshPackPackrunSummaryModel.fromJSON(result, siteId);
            .catch(error => reject(error));

     * Delete a FreshPack Packrun Summary [DELETE /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/freshpack-packrun-summaries/{id}]
     * @static
     * @public
     * @param {number} siteId The Site ID
     * @param {string} id The FreshPack Packrun Summary ID
     * @return {Promise<boolean>}
    static delete(siteId, id)
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            .then((result) => {
                resolve(result ?? true);
            .catch(error => reject(error));

     * Retrieve Comments [GET /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/freshpack-packrun-summaries/{id}/comments]
     * Retrieves Comments for a FreshPack Packrun Summary
     * @static
     * @public
     * @param {number} siteId The Site ID
     * @param {string} id The FreshPack Packrun Summary ID
     * @return {Promise<Array<FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.CommentItem>>}
    static getComments(siteId, id)
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            .then((result) => {
                let resolveValue = (function(){
                    if(Array.isArray(result) !== true)
                        return [];
                    return result.map((resultItem) => {
                        return (function(){
                            let resultItemObject = {};
                            if(typeof resultItem === 'object' && 'id' in resultItem)
                                resultItemObject.id = (function(){
                                    if(typeof resultItem.id !== 'string')
                                        return String(resultItem.id);
                                    return resultItem.id;
                                resultItemObject.id = "";
                            if(typeof resultItem === 'object' && 'userAccount' in resultItem)
                                resultItemObject.userAccount = (function(){
                                    let userAccountObject = {};
                                    if(typeof resultItem.userAccount === 'object' && 'id' in resultItem.userAccount)
                                        userAccountObject.id = (function(){
                                            if(resultItem.userAccount.id === null)
                                                return null;
                                            if(typeof resultItem.userAccount.id !== 'string')
                                                return String(resultItem.userAccount.id);
                                            return resultItem.userAccount.id;
                                        userAccountObject.id = null;
                                    if(typeof resultItem.userAccount === 'object' && 'firstName' in resultItem.userAccount)
                                        userAccountObject.firstName = (function(){
                                            if(resultItem.userAccount.firstName === null)
                                                return null;
                                            if(typeof resultItem.userAccount.firstName !== 'string')
                                                return String(resultItem.userAccount.firstName);
                                            return resultItem.userAccount.firstName;
                                        userAccountObject.firstName = null;
                                    if(typeof resultItem.userAccount === 'object' && 'lastName' in resultItem.userAccount)
                                        userAccountObject.lastName = (function(){
                                            if(resultItem.userAccount.lastName === null)
                                                return null;
                                            if(typeof resultItem.userAccount.lastName !== 'string')
                                                return String(resultItem.userAccount.lastName);
                                            return resultItem.userAccount.lastName;
                                        userAccountObject.lastName = null;
                                    return userAccountObject;
                                resultItemObject.userAccount = (function(){
                                    let userAccountDefaultValue = {};
                                    userAccountDefaultValue.id = null;
                                    userAccountDefaultValue.firstName = null;
                                    userAccountDefaultValue.lastName = null;
                                    return userAccountDefaultValue;
                            if(typeof resultItem === 'object' && 'content' in resultItem)
                                resultItemObject.content = (function(){
                                    if(resultItem.content === null)
                                        return null;
                                    if(typeof resultItem.content !== 'string')
                                        return String(resultItem.content);
                                    return resultItem.content;
                                resultItemObject.content = null;
                            if(typeof resultItem === 'object' && 'createdTimestamp' in resultItem)
                                resultItemObject.createdTimestamp = (function(){
                                    if(resultItem.createdTimestamp === null)
                                        return null;
                                    if(typeof resultItem.createdTimestamp !== 'string')
                                        return new Date(String(resultItem.createdTimestamp));
                                    return new Date(resultItem.createdTimestamp);
                                resultItemObject.createdTimestamp = null;
                            if(typeof resultItem === 'object' && 'updatedTimestamp' in resultItem)
                                resultItemObject.updatedTimestamp = (function(){
                                    if(resultItem.updatedTimestamp === null)
                                        return null;
                                    if(typeof resultItem.updatedTimestamp !== 'string')
                                        return new Date(String(resultItem.updatedTimestamp));
                                    return new Date(resultItem.updatedTimestamp);
                                resultItemObject.updatedTimestamp = null;
                            return resultItemObject;
            .catch(error => reject(error));

     * Create a Comment [POST /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/freshpack-packrun-summaries/{id}/comments]
     * Create a Comment for a FreshPack Packrun Summary
     * @static
     * @public
     * @param {number} siteId The Site ID
     * @param {string} id The FreshPack Packrun Summary ID
     * @param {string} content The Content of the New Comment
     * @return {Promise<FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.CommentItem>}
    static createComment(siteId, id, content)
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            RequestHelper.postRequest(`/packhouse/sites/${siteId}/freshpack-packrun-summaries/${id}/comments`, {content})
            .then((result) => {
                let resolveValue = (function(){
                    let resultObject = {};
                    if(typeof result === 'object' && 'id' in result)
                        resultObject.id = (function(){
                            if(typeof result.id !== 'string')
                                return String(result.id);
                            return result.id;
                        resultObject.id = "";
                    if(typeof result === 'object' && 'userAccount' in result)
                        resultObject.userAccount = (function(){
                            let userAccountObject = {};
                            if(typeof result.userAccount === 'object' && 'id' in result.userAccount)
                                userAccountObject.id = (function(){
                                    if(result.userAccount.id === null)
                                        return null;
                                    if(typeof result.userAccount.id !== 'string')
                                        return String(result.userAccount.id);
                                    return result.userAccount.id;
                                userAccountObject.id = null;
                            if(typeof result.userAccount === 'object' && 'firstName' in result.userAccount)
                                userAccountObject.firstName = (function(){
                                    if(result.userAccount.firstName === null)
                                        return null;
                                    if(typeof result.userAccount.firstName !== 'string')
                                        return String(result.userAccount.firstName);
                                    return result.userAccount.firstName;
                                userAccountObject.firstName = null;
                            if(typeof result.userAccount === 'object' && 'lastName' in result.userAccount)
                                userAccountObject.lastName = (function(){
                                    if(result.userAccount.lastName === null)
                                        return null;
                                    if(typeof result.userAccount.lastName !== 'string')
                                        return String(result.userAccount.lastName);
                                    return result.userAccount.lastName;
                                userAccountObject.lastName = null;
                            return userAccountObject;
                        resultObject.userAccount = (function(){
                            let userAccountDefaultValue = {};
                            userAccountDefaultValue.id = null;
                            userAccountDefaultValue.firstName = null;
                            userAccountDefaultValue.lastName = null;
                            return userAccountDefaultValue;
                    if(typeof result === 'object' && 'content' in result)
                        resultObject.content = (function(){
                            if(result.content === null)
                                return null;
                            if(typeof result.content !== 'string')
                                return String(result.content);
                            return result.content;
                        resultObject.content = null;
                    if(typeof result === 'object' && 'createdTimestamp' in result)
                        resultObject.createdTimestamp = (function(){
                            if(result.createdTimestamp === null)
                                return null;
                            if(typeof result.createdTimestamp !== 'string')
                                return new Date(String(result.createdTimestamp));
                            return new Date(result.createdTimestamp);
                        resultObject.createdTimestamp = null;
                    if(typeof result === 'object' && 'updatedTimestamp' in result)
                        resultObject.updatedTimestamp = (function(){
                            if(result.updatedTimestamp === null)
                                return null;
                            if(typeof result.updatedTimestamp !== 'string')
                                return new Date(String(result.updatedTimestamp));
                            return new Date(result.updatedTimestamp);
                        resultObject.updatedTimestamp = null;
                    return resultObject;
            .catch(error => reject(error));

     * Retrieve a Comment [GET /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/freshpack-packrun-summaries/{id}/comments/{commentId}]
     * Retrieves Comments for a FreshPack Packrun Summary
     * @static
     * @public
     * @param {number} siteId The Site ID
     * @param {string} id The FreshPack Packrun Summary ID
     * @param {string} commentId The Comment ID
     * @return {Promise<FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.CommentItem>}
    static getOneComment(siteId, id, commentId)
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            .then((result) => {
                let resolveValue = (function(){
                    let resultObject = {};
                    if(typeof result === 'object' && 'id' in result)
                        resultObject.id = (function(){
                            if(typeof result.id !== 'string')
                                return String(result.id);
                            return result.id;
                        resultObject.id = "";
                    if(typeof result === 'object' && 'userAccount' in result)
                        resultObject.userAccount = (function(){
                            let userAccountObject = {};
                            if(typeof result.userAccount === 'object' && 'id' in result.userAccount)
                                userAccountObject.id = (function(){
                                    if(result.userAccount.id === null)
                                        return null;
                                    if(typeof result.userAccount.id !== 'string')
                                        return String(result.userAccount.id);
                                    return result.userAccount.id;
                                userAccountObject.id = null;
                            if(typeof result.userAccount === 'object' && 'firstName' in result.userAccount)
                                userAccountObject.firstName = (function(){
                                    if(result.userAccount.firstName === null)
                                        return null;
                                    if(typeof result.userAccount.firstName !== 'string')
                                        return String(result.userAccount.firstName);
                                    return result.userAccount.firstName;
                                userAccountObject.firstName = null;
                            if(typeof result.userAccount === 'object' && 'lastName' in result.userAccount)
                                userAccountObject.lastName = (function(){
                                    if(result.userAccount.lastName === null)
                                        return null;
                                    if(typeof result.userAccount.lastName !== 'string')
                                        return String(result.userAccount.lastName);
                                    return result.userAccount.lastName;
                                userAccountObject.lastName = null;
                            return userAccountObject;
                        resultObject.userAccount = (function(){
                            let userAccountDefaultValue = {};
                            userAccountDefaultValue.id = null;
                            userAccountDefaultValue.firstName = null;
                            userAccountDefaultValue.lastName = null;
                            return userAccountDefaultValue;
                    if(typeof result === 'object' && 'content' in result)
                        resultObject.content = (function(){
                            if(result.content === null)
                                return null;
                            if(typeof result.content !== 'string')
                                return String(result.content);
                            return result.content;
                        resultObject.content = null;
                    if(typeof result === 'object' && 'createdTimestamp' in result)
                        resultObject.createdTimestamp = (function(){
                            if(result.createdTimestamp === null)
                                return null;
                            if(typeof result.createdTimestamp !== 'string')
                                return new Date(String(result.createdTimestamp));
                            return new Date(result.createdTimestamp);
                        resultObject.createdTimestamp = null;
                    if(typeof result === 'object' && 'updatedTimestamp' in result)
                        resultObject.updatedTimestamp = (function(){
                            if(result.updatedTimestamp === null)
                                return null;
                            if(typeof result.updatedTimestamp !== 'string')
                                return new Date(String(result.updatedTimestamp));
                            return new Date(result.updatedTimestamp);
                        resultObject.updatedTimestamp = null;
                    return resultObject;
            .catch(error => reject(error));

     * Update a Comment [PATCH /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/freshpack-packrun-summaries/{id}/comments/{commentId}]
     * Update a Comment for a FreshPack Packrun Summary
     * @static
     * @public
     * @param {number} siteId The Site ID
     * @param {string} id The FreshPack Packrun Summary ID
     * @param {string} commentId The Comment ID
     * @param {string} content The Updated Content for the Comment
     * @return {Promise<FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.CommentItem>}
    static updateOneComment(siteId, id, commentId, content)
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            RequestHelper.patchRequest(`/packhouse/sites/${siteId}/freshpack-packrun-summaries/${id}/comments/${commentId}`, {content})
            .then((result) => {
                let resolveValue = (function(){
                    let resultObject = {};
                    if(typeof result === 'object' && 'id' in result)
                        resultObject.id = (function(){
                            if(typeof result.id !== 'string')
                                return String(result.id);
                            return result.id;
                        resultObject.id = "";
                    if(typeof result === 'object' && 'userAccount' in result)
                        resultObject.userAccount = (function(){
                            let userAccountObject = {};
                            if(typeof result.userAccount === 'object' && 'id' in result.userAccount)
                                userAccountObject.id = (function(){
                                    if(result.userAccount.id === null)
                                        return null;
                                    if(typeof result.userAccount.id !== 'string')
                                        return String(result.userAccount.id);
                                    return result.userAccount.id;
                                userAccountObject.id = null;
                            if(typeof result.userAccount === 'object' && 'firstName' in result.userAccount)
                                userAccountObject.firstName = (function(){
                                    if(result.userAccount.firstName === null)
                                        return null;
                                    if(typeof result.userAccount.firstName !== 'string')
                                        return String(result.userAccount.firstName);
                                    return result.userAccount.firstName;
                                userAccountObject.firstName = null;
                            if(typeof result.userAccount === 'object' && 'lastName' in result.userAccount)
                                userAccountObject.lastName = (function(){
                                    if(result.userAccount.lastName === null)
                                        return null;
                                    if(typeof result.userAccount.lastName !== 'string')
                                        return String(result.userAccount.lastName);
                                    return result.userAccount.lastName;
                                userAccountObject.lastName = null;
                            return userAccountObject;
                        resultObject.userAccount = (function(){
                            let userAccountDefaultValue = {};
                            userAccountDefaultValue.id = null;
                            userAccountDefaultValue.firstName = null;
                            userAccountDefaultValue.lastName = null;
                            return userAccountDefaultValue;
                    if(typeof result === 'object' && 'content' in result)
                        resultObject.content = (function(){
                            if(result.content === null)
                                return null;
                            if(typeof result.content !== 'string')
                                return String(result.content);
                            return result.content;
                        resultObject.content = null;
                    if(typeof result === 'object' && 'createdTimestamp' in result)
                        resultObject.createdTimestamp = (function(){
                            if(result.createdTimestamp === null)
                                return null;
                            if(typeof result.createdTimestamp !== 'string')
                                return new Date(String(result.createdTimestamp));
                            return new Date(result.createdTimestamp);
                        resultObject.createdTimestamp = null;
                    if(typeof result === 'object' && 'updatedTimestamp' in result)
                        resultObject.updatedTimestamp = (function(){
                            if(result.updatedTimestamp === null)
                                return null;
                            if(typeof result.updatedTimestamp !== 'string')
                                return new Date(String(result.updatedTimestamp));
                            return new Date(result.updatedTimestamp);
                        resultObject.updatedTimestamp = null;
                    return resultObject;
            .catch(error => reject(error));

     * Delete a Comment [DELETE /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/freshpack-packrun-summaries/{id}/comments/{commentId}]
     * Delete a Comment for a FreshPack Packrun Summary
     * @static
     * @public
     * @param {number} siteId The Site ID
     * @param {string} id The FreshPack Packrun Summary ID
     * @param {string} commentId The Comment ID
     * @return {Promise<boolean>}
    static deleteOneComment(siteId, id, commentId)
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            .then((result) => {
                resolve(result ?? true);
            .catch(error => reject(error));

     * List all FreshPack Packrun Summaries [GET /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/freshpack-packrun-summaries]
     * @static
     * @public
     * @param {number} siteId The Site ID
     * @param {FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.GetAllQueryParameters} [queryParameters] The Optional Query Parameters
     * @return {Promise<FreshPackPackrunSummaryModel[]>}
    static getAll(siteId, queryParameters = {})
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            RequestHelper.getRequest(`/packhouse/sites/${siteId}/freshpack-packrun-summaries`, queryParameters)
            .then((result) => {
                let resolveValue = (function(){
                    if(Array.isArray(result) !== true)
                        return [];
                    return result.map((resultItem) => {
                        return (function(){
                            return FreshPackPackrunSummaryModel.fromJSON(resultItem, siteId);
            .catch(error => reject(error));

     * Create a FreshPack Packrun Summary [POST /packhouse/sites/{siteId}/freshpack-packrun-summaries]
     * @static
     * @public
     * @param {number} siteId The Site ID
     * @param {FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.CreateData} createData The FreshPack Packrun Summary Create Data
     * @return {Promise<FreshPackPackrunSummaryModel>}
    static create(siteId, createData)
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            RequestHelper.postRequest(`/packhouse/sites/${siteId}/freshpack-packrun-summaries`, createData)
            .then((result) => {
                let resolveValue = (function(){
                    return FreshPackPackrunSummaryModel.fromJSON(result, siteId);
            .catch(error => reject(error));

export default FreshPackPackrunSummaryController;

 * The Optional Query Parameters for the getAll Function
 * @typedef {Object} FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.GetAllQueryParameters
 * @property {string} [packingLineId] The Packing Line ID this Summary is associated with
 * @property {string} [packrunId] The Packrun ID this Summary is associated with
 * @property {?string} [timeBatchId] The Time Batch this Summary is associated with
 * @property {Date} [createdTimestampBegin] Filter by the Timestamp when this FreshPack Packrun Summary was Created. Results Greater than or Equal to Timestamp
 * @property {Date} [createdTimestampEnd] Filter by the Timestamp when this FreshPack Packrun Summary was Created. Results Less than or Equal to Timestamp
 * @memberof Controllers.Packhouse.Site

 * The Create Data for a FreshPack Packrun Summary
 * @typedef {Object} FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.CreateData
 * @property {string} packingLineId The Packing Line ID this Summary is associated with
 * @property {string} [packrunId] The Packrun ID this Summary is associated with
 * @property {Date} [createdTimestamp] When this Summary was Created
 * @property {?string} [timeBatchId] The Time Batch this Summary is associated with
 * @property {Array<FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.TraySummary>} [traySummaries] An Array of Tray Summary Data Objects for all Sizes and Class Types
 * @property {Array<FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.ClearanceSummary>} [clearanceSummaries] An Array of Clearance Summary Data Objects for all Sizes
 * @memberof Controllers.Packhouse.Site

 * The Update Data for a FreshPack Packrun Summary
 * @typedef {Object} FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.UpdateData
 * @property {string} [packingLineId] The Packing Line ID this Summary is associated with
 * @property {Date} [createdTimestamp] When this Summary was Created
 * @property {?string} [timeBatchId] The Time Batch this Summary is associated with
 * @property {Array<FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.TraySummary>} [traySummaries] An Array of Tray Summary Data Objects for all Sizes and Class Types
 * @property {Array<FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.ClearanceSummary>} [clearanceSummaries] An Array of Clearance Summary Data Objects for all Sizes
 * @memberof Controllers.Packhouse.Site

 * A **UserAccount** Type
 * @typedef {Object} FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.UserAccount
 * @property {?string} id The User Account ID
 * @property {?string} firstName The User's First Name
 * @property {?string} lastName The User's Last Name
 * @memberof Controllers.Packhouse.Site

 * A **CommentItem** Type
 * @typedef {Object} FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.CommentItem
 * @property {string} id The Comment ID
 * @property {FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.UserAccount} userAccount 
 * @property {?string} content The Content of the Comment
 * @property {?Date} createdTimestamp When the Comment was Created
 * @property {?Date} updatedTimestamp When the Comment was last Updated
 * @memberof Controllers.Packhouse.Site

 * A **TraySummary** Type
 * @typedef {Object} FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.TraySummary
 * @property {string} classType The Class Type of this Tray Summary
 * @property {?string} fruitSize The Fruit Size of this Tray Summary
 * @property {number} trayCount Total Number of Tray Equivalents
 * @property {number} averageTrayWeight Average Tray Weight in Kilograms
 * @property {number} weight The Total Fruit Weight in Kilograms for this Tray Summary
 * @memberof Controllers.Packhouse.Site

 * A **ClearanceSummary** Type
 * @typedef {Object} FreshPackPackrunSummaryController.ClearanceSummary
 * @property {?string} fruitSize The Fruit Size of this Clearance Summary
 * @property {?string} tasteBand Taste Band (e.g. Y, T, M, R, L)
 * @property {?string} maturityProtocol The Maturity Protocol (since Harvesting) of this Fruit Size (e.g. A, B, C, N)
 * @property {?string} harvestProtocol The Protocol (at Harvest) of this Fruit Size
 * @property {?Date} clearanceDate When this Fruit Size met the Clearance Criteria. Will be `null` if this Fruit Size has not Cleared
 * @property {?Date} kiwiStartDate The Kiwi-Start Date for this Fruit Size
 * @property {?number} trayEstimate The Estimated Number of Tray Equivalents for this Fruit Size
 * @property {?Date} protocolADate Estimated or Actual Date when this Fruit Size will reach Protocol A Maturity
 * @property {?Date} protocolBDate Estimated or Actual Date when this Fruit Size will reach Protocol B Maturity
 * @property {?Date} protocolCDate Estimated or Actual Date when this Fruit Size will reach Protocol C Maturity
 * @property {?Date} protocolNDate Estimated or Actual Date when this Fruit Size will reach Protocol N Maturity
 * @property {?boolean} useNIRPacking Whether NIR Packing should be utilized for this Fruit Size
 * @memberof Controllers.Packhouse.Site